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About Us

The Northeast Red Watershed District (NRWD) was previously known as the Cooks Creek Conservation District and established in 1979 as a partnership between the Province of Manitoba and local Rural Municipalities to address local soil and water issues. In January of 2020, the District changed its name as part of a province-wide initiative to align Districts based on Watersheds and not political boundaries. 

The District prides itself on being a grassroots organization with local people making decisions on the landscape, and is governed by a Board of Directors that consist of Municipal Councillors and Citizen Appointees.

Our Municipal Members are:

  • RM of Springfield
  • RM of Taché
  • RM of Ste. Anne
  • RM of Brokenhead
  • RM of Reynolds
  • RM of Lac du Bonnet
  • RM of St. Clements

The Northeast Red Watershed District is one of the four Watershed Districts with an infrastructure mandate in Manitoba and manages 315 miles of waterways, 735 crossings, and 12 bridges. 

To the right is a map of the District. 

To view an interactive online version of our map, or to download a PDF version of our map, please choose a button below: